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config | conf

show config settings

With no arguments, print names and values of all config items.

With one argument of the form, print just the value of that config item.

With multiple arguments, print names and values of all config items with matching section names.

With --user, edit the user-level config file. With --system, edit the system-wide config file. With --local, edit the repository-level config file. If there are no arguments, spawn an editor to edit the config file. If there are arguments in or value format, the appropriate config file will be updated directly without spawning an editor.

With --delete, the specified config items are deleted from the config file.

With --debug, the source (filename and line number) is printed for each config item.

See sl help config for more information about config files.

Returns 0 on success, 1 if NAME does not exist.


-u--userfalseedit user config, opening in editor if no args given
-l--localfalseedit repository config, opening in editor if no args given
-s--systemfalseedit system config, opening in editor if no args given
-d--deletefalsedelete specified config items