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show commit history

Print the revision history of the specified files or the entire project.

If no revision range is specified, the default is the current commit and all of its ancestors (::.).

File history is shown without following the rename or copy history of files. To follow file history across renames and copies, use the -f/-- follow option. If the --follow option is used without a filename, only the ancestors or descendants of the starting revision are shown.

By default, sl log prints the commit's hash, non-trivial parents, user, date, time, and the single-line summary. When the -v/--verbose option is used, the list of changed files and full commit message are shown.

With the --graph option, revisions are shown as an ASCII art graph with the most recent commit at the top. The graph nodes are depicted as follows: o is a commit, @ is a working directory parent, x is obsolete, and + represents a fork where the commit from the lines below is a parent of the o merge on the same line. Paths in the graph are represented with |, / and so forth. : in place of a | indicates one or more revisions in a path are omitted.

Use the -L/--line-range FILE,M:N option to follow the history of lines from M to N in FILE. With the -p/-- patch option, only diff hunks affecting specified line range will be shown. The -L option can be specified multiple times and requires the --follow option. Currently, the line range option is not compatible with --graph and is an experimental feature.

sl log --patch may generate unexpected diff output for merge commits, as it will only compare the merge commit against its first parent. Also, only files different from BOTH parents will appear in the files: section.

For performance reasons, sl log FILE may omit duplicate changes made on branches and will not show removals or mode changes. To see all such changes, use the --removed switch.

The history resulting from -L/--line-range options depends on diff options: for instance, if white-spaces are ignored, respective changes with only white-spaces in specified line range will not be listed.

Some examples:

  • commits with full descriptions and file lists:
sl log -v
  • commits ancestral to the working directory:
sl log -f
  • last 10 commits on the current branch:
sl log -l 10 -b .
  • commits showing all modifications of a file, including removals:
sl log --removed file.c
  • all commits that touch a directory, with diffs, excluding merges:
sl log -Mp lib/
  • all revision numbers that match a keyword:
sl log -k bug --template "{rev}\n"
  • the full hash identifier of the working directory parent:
sl log -r . --template "{node}\n"
  • list available log templates:
sl log -T list
  • check if a given commit is included in a bookmarked release:
sl log -r "a21ccf and ancestor(release_1.9)"
  • find all commits by some user in a date range:
sl log -k alice -d "may 2008 to jul 2008"
  • commits touching lines 13 to 23 for file.c:
sl log -L file.c,13:23
  • commits touching lines 13 to 23 for file.c and lines 2 to 6 of main.c with patch:
sl log -L file.c,13:23 -L main.c,2:6 -p

See sl help dates for a list of formats valid for -d/--date.

See sl help revisions for more about specifying and ordering revisions.

See sl help templates for more about pre-packaged styles and specifying custom templates. The default template used by the log command can be customized via the ui.logtemplate configuration setting.

Returns 0 on success.


-f--followfollow changeset history, or file history across copies and renames
-d--dateshow revisions matching date spec
-C--copiesshow copied files
-k--keyworddo case-insensitive search for a given text
-r--revshow the specified revision or revset
--removedinclude revisions where files were removed
-u--userrevisions committed by user
-P--prunedo not display revision or any of its ancestors
-p--patchshow patch
-g--gituse git extended diff format
-l--limitlimit number of changes displayed
-M--no-mergesdo not show merges
--statoutput diffstat-style summary of changes
-G--graphshow the revision DAG
-T--templatedisplay with template
-I--includeinclude files matching the given patterns
-X--excludeexclude files matching the given patterns
--allshows all changesets in the repo
--sparselimit to changesets affecting the sparse checkout
--remoteshow remote names even if hidden