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MetaLog is used to track lightweight repo metadata like bookmarks, remote bookmarks, visible heads, etc. It makes atomic updates possible, and allows viewing past states for debugging and undoing.


Historically, repo metadata like bookmarks, remote bookmarks, and phases are stored in separate files. Because reading is designed to be lock-free, and the filesystem is not transactional, updating these files is not atomic and readers might see inconsistent state where some files are updated but others aren't. This requires careful design of file write order to reduce issues. The write order can be subtle and fragile to maintain.

The other motivation is to help debug user issues. Sometimes it's really helpful to understand what happened in the past. Metalog tracks this historical data to answer questions like how and when bookmarks changed, etc.



MetaLog maintains 2 structures:

  • A blob store backed by ZStore. Blobs are keyed by their content SHA1s. There are 2 kinds of blobs: root, and content.
  • A log of keys of roots. It provides a way to get the latest root, and also historical roots.

A root blob contains:

  • A description of why this root was created.
  • A map from (file) names to keys of content blobs.
  • Keys of parent roots.

You might notice that MetaLog is kind of like a lightweight source control system itself. That is part of the reason for the naming.

Concurrent writes

Similar to IndexedLog, changes are buffered in memory until an explicit flush to disk.

Unlike IndexedLog, if MetaLog notices that the latest root is changed on disk, it will attempt to perform a merge defined using a merge function specified by the application. A merge failure will prevent MetaLog from committing the changes to disk.

This means the application might not need extra locking, instead relying on MetaLog's merge feature to detect races.

Usage in Sapling

Integration with transaction

In Sapling, code like:

with repo.lock(), repo.transaction("tranaction-name") as tr:

Reloads the latest MetaLog root at the beginning of the transaction, and writes changes back to disk at end of the transaction.

Source of truth

To avoid invalidation issues, if performance allows, avoid storing states from the MetaLog:

class Repo:
def __init__(self):
self._foo = None

def foo(self):
# Fragile: Requries extra effort to ensure repo._foo is always synced
# with source of truth.
if self._foo is None:
self._foo = decode_foo(self.metalog()['foo'])
return self._foo

def foo(self):
# Less fragile: foo() is always synced with metalog source of truth.
return decode_foo(self.metalog()['foo'])

Other storage data

MetaLog is only intended to store lightweight metadata that deltas very well.

There are other kinds of data that are not so lightweight. For example, files, trees, commits, and mutation records.

Sapling's strategy to maintain consistency is to ensure orphaned data in the heavywight storage won't visibly affect the user experience. For example,

  • Files or Trees: If there are unused files or trees stored, they do not affect the output of sl or status, etc. They are simply not referred to.
  • Commits: Similarly, if there are extra commits stored in the commit graph, they are invisible because they are not referred to by visible heads or bookmarks. The orphaned commits are transparent to common commands.
  • Mutation Records: If there are unused mutation records, since the successors are invisible, the records are simply ignored. It will not turn a commit from o to x in log -G output.

This means that Sapling can just flush these kinds of data without going through MetaLog, and there is no need to undo or truncate them to a previous state.

Write order

Write MetaLog last. MetaLog tracks references to other data.

Different kinds of data have dependencies. This requires a write order. Commits refer to trees. Trees refer to files. Bookmarks in MetaLog refer to commits.

If MetaLog is written before writing commits, it might refer to unknown commits and cause issues.

Whether commits or trees are written first does not matter, since there are no references to them and they are just unused data described above.

Export to Git

You can export MetaLog content to a Git repo:

sl debugexportmetalog /path/to/git-repo

From there you can run commands like git annotate remotenames and git log -p remotenames to see what commands changed a specific remote bookmark and when.