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Basic commands

Here are the most commonly used commands in Sapling:

Working with commits


Working with your checkout



Many of Sapling’s basic commands will be familiar, and perhaps even unremarkable, to existing Git and Mercurial users. For example, Sapling supports clone, checkout, commit, rebase, push, etc. The goal was not to reinvent the wheel, but to make an intuitive, yet powerful, source control system.

This document is a casual introduction to some of the basic commands. It is not comprehensive, nor is it a walkthrough of an end-to-end workflow (see the Introduction for a simple, end-to-end example). Commands with interesting nuance or for more advanced cases are covered in other documents.

Many of these examples use the sl smartlog output to explain the repo state. See the Smartlog doc for an overview of the output format.

Cloning and checking out


Clone the repo using the sl clone command.

# Clones into a 'sapling' directory.
$ sl clone
remote: Enumerating objects: 640374, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (5233/5233), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (3228/3228), done.
remote: Total 640374 (delta 1749), reused 5139 (delta 1669), pack-reused 635141
Receiving objects: 100% (640374/640374), 155.18 MiB | 15.17 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (431325/431325), done.
* [new ref] b8422460814900d8f978a8a34a99ae83c6735a70 -> remote/main
5689 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved

# Clones into a 'some_directory' directory.
$ sl clone some_directory

For Git support, Sapling uses Git under the hood for clones, pushes, and pulls. Hence the output matches Git.

Related topics: Push/Pull, Sparse


sl goto or sl go allows you to checkout a specific commit. See the Navigation document for a variety of other ways to move around your repository.

# You can checkout commits by their long or short hash.
# '@' in smartlog indicates your current checkout location.
$ sl goto 71f7ac009
$ sl
o b84224608 13 minutes ago remote/main

@ 71f7ac009 Today at 10:10 john
scsc: fix build on Windows

o 15de72785 35 seconds ago mary my_feature
╭─╯ Implement glorious features

o a555d064c Wednesday at 09:06


# You can checkout remote bookmark commits, either by `name` or by `remote/name`.
$ sl goto main

# You can checkout commits pointed at by local bookmarks.
$ sl goto my_feature

You can checkout a commit while you have pending changes, as long as the checkout does not change files with pending changes.

Notable options:

  • -C/--clean will remove any pending changes.

Related topics: Navigation, top/bottom, pull

Working copy


sl status or sl st shows a list of your current uncommitted files.

$ vim
$ sl st

$ vim new_file.txt
$ sl st
? new_file.txt

# File state indicators:
# M - modified file
# A - new file that has been marked with 'sl add'
# R - deleted file that has been marked with 'sl remove'
# ! - deleted file that has not yet been marked with 'sl remove'
# ? - new file that has not yet been marked with 'sl add'

Unlike Git, Sapling does not use a staging area, so any non-? files in the status output will be committed when you run sl commit.

Notable options:

  • --copies shows which files have been marked as moved/copied.
  • --change COMMIT shows the files changed in a given commit.


sl diff shows you the diff output for your current uncommitted changes.

$ sl diff
diff --git a/ b/
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -9,6 +9,10 @@

+if [[ -n $TEST_ENVIRONMENT ]]; then
+ exit 1
SCRIPT_DIR=$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")

# Specify a file to only see its changes.
$ sl diff file.txt

The diff output is compatible with Git’s diff format.

Related topics: Show


sl add/remove/forget are used to add new files, remove old files, and undo added files, respectively. Only files marked M/A/R will be committed during sl commit.

$ sl st
? new_file.txt

$ sl add new_file.txt
$ sl st
A new_file.txt

$ rm old_file.txt
$ sl st
A new_file.txt
! old_file.txt

$ sl rm old_file.txt
$ sl st
A new_file.txt
R old_file.txt

$ sl forget new_file.txt
$ sl st
? new_file.txt
R old_file.txt


sl mv/cp can be used to rename or copy a file.

$ sl mv old_name.txt new_name.txt
$ sl st
A new_name.txt
R old_name.txt

# Sapling-only repos track the move/copy, which can be viewed with sl st --copies.
$ sl st --copies
A new_name.txt
R old_name.txt

When using Git support, file renames are not recorded since Git does not record this information. When using a normal Sapling repository, the rename/copy will be tracked inside Sapling and used to show accurate log and blame output for the file.

Related topics: AutoMove


sl clean deletes any untracked files (? in status) in your working copy.

$ sl st
? temp_file

$ sl clean
$ sl st


sl revert will revert any pending changes in your working copy.

$ sl st

$ sl revert
$ sl st

Notable options:

  • --all will revert all pending changes, so you don’t need to specify file names.
  • --rev COMMIT will change the file contents to match their contents in the given commit.
  • --interactive will open an interactive editor for choosing which files or lines to revert.

Making commits


sl commit commits your pending changes and prompts you for a commit message. While there is no staging area, the powerful --interactive option is used to select specific files or lines you want committed.

$ sl st
$ sl commit
# ...opens your editor so you can write a message...

$ sl
@ c178f2e7f 1 second ago mary
╭─╯ Fix

o b84224608 52 minutes ago remote/main


Notable options:

  • -m/--message MSG allows specifying a message instead of opening an editor.
  • --interactive will open an interactive editor for choosing which files or lines to commit. Lines/files not chosen remain as pending changes.

Related topics: Amend

Viewing history

Related: smartlog


sl show shows the log message and textual diff for the current or given commit.

$ sl show
commit: c178f2e7ff20447532370599051c1f1939f9dcb6 (@)
parent: b8422460814900d8f978a8a34a99ae83c6735a70
user: Mary Smith <>
date: Mon, 15 Aug 2022 16:56:36 -0700

My new commit

diff --git a/ b/
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -9,6 +9,10 @@

+if [[ -n $TEST_ENVIRONMENT ]]; then
+ exit 1
SCRIPT_DIR=$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")

# Can also show a particular commit
$ sl show COMMIT


sl log shows the commit history starting at your current commit.

Unlike in Git and Mercurial, the log command in Sapling is rarely used. Instead, smartlog is preferred for day-to-day development and understanding your repository. sl log is really only used when inspecting the deeper history of the repository or a file.

$ sl log
changeset: c178f2e7ff20447532370599051c1f1939f9dcb6 (@)
user: Mary Smith <>
date: Mon, 15 Aug 2022 16:56:36 -0700
summary: My new commit

changeset: b8422460814900d8f978a8a34a99ae83c6735a70
user: John Adams <>
date: Mon, 15 Aug 2022 16:04:08 -0700
summary: globalrevs: lookup globalrevs over edenapi

changeset: 98f29d99b8b8b8a6562e98faa913a650bd0f0302
user: John Adams <>
date: Mon, 15 Aug 2022 15:14:49 -0700
summary: remove glob from scuba logging test

changeset: 6bec7b92894495229635f481ba01895c869c2063
user: Mary Smith <>
date: Mon, 15 Aug 2022 14:27:14 -0700
summary: fix monitoring for tailer

# Specify a file or directory to see its history
$ sl log src/

# Use -fr with a commit to show the history starting from there.
$ sl log -fr COMMIT src/