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Sapling’s emphasis on editing stacks of commits means users move between commits more often than with other version control systems. To make this easy and intuitive, Sapling provides a number of ways to move around your repository.


sl goto COMMIT or sl go COMMIT is the standard way to checkout a commit in your repository.

# The '@' indicates your currently checked out commit.
$ sl
@ b84224608 13 minutes ago remote/main

o 15de72785 35 seconds ago mary my_feature
╭─╯ Implement glorious features

o a555d064c Wednesday at 09:06


$ sl goto 15de72785

$ sl
o b84224608 13 minutes ago remote/main

@ 15de72785 35 seconds ago mary my_feature
╭─╯ Implement glorious features

o a555d064c Wednesday at 09:06


The argument passed to sl goto can be one of the following:

  • A full 40-character commit hash, such as b8422460814900d8f978a8a34a99ae83c6735a70.
  • A short, unique-prefix commit hash, such as b84224608.
  • A local bookmark name, such as my_feature in the example above.
  • A remote bookmark name, such as main in the example above. Note, the remote/ prefix is optional.
  • A revset query (see below).


By default, Sapling only clones the main bookmark of a repository. Even if you don’t have the remote bookmark locally yet, you can do sl goto remote/other_bookmark and it will automatically pull and checkout the remote bookmark for you.

To trigger an auto-pull, you must specify the remote/ prefix.


When working with a stack of commits, you can use sl next and sl prev to move up and down your stack with ease.

# The '@' indicates your currently checked out commit.
$ sl
o 5abffb82f Wednesday at 09:39 remote/main

@ 824cbba75 13 minutes ago mary
╷ │ [eden] Support long paths in Windows FSCK
╷ │
o 19340c083 Wednesday at 09:39 mary
╷ │ [eden] Close Windows file handle during Windows Fsck
╷ │
o b52192598 Wednesday at 09:39 mary
╭─╯ [eden] Use PathMap for WindowsFsck

o 2ac18611a Wednesday at 05:00 remote/stable


# Move down the stack from 824cbba75 to 19340c083.
$ sl prev

# Move back up the stack to 824cbba75.
$ sl next

# Move down the stack 2 commits to b52192598.
$ sl prev 2

Note, if a commit has multiple children or parents, next and prev may alert you and you have to choose.


When in a stack, you can jump directly to the top or bottom using sl goto top and sl goto bottom.

# The '@' indicates your currently checked out commit.
$ sl
o 5abffb82f Wednesday at 09:39 remote/main

@ 824cbba75 13 minutes ago mary
╷ │ [eden] Support long paths in Windows FSCK
╷ │
o 19340c083 Wednesday at 09:39 mary
╷ │ [eden] Close Windows file handle during Windows Fsck
╷ │
o b52192598 Wednesday at 09:39 mary
╭─╯ [eden] Use PathMap for WindowsFsck

o 2ac18611a Wednesday at 05:00 remote/stable


# Move down to b52192598 at the bottom.
$ sl goto bottom

# Move back up to 824cbba75 at the top.
$ sl goto top


sl goto REVSET can use the revset query language to specify a commit to go to. See the Revset documentation for more details.

Example revsets:

  • . Your current commit.
  • .^ Parent of your current commit.
  • 824cbba75~2 Second ancestor of 824cbba75.
  • 19340c083~-1 Child of 19340c083.
  • ancestor(., main) The first common ancestor of your current commit and main (that is, 2ac18611a in the examples above).
  • pr42 Pull request #42 on GitHub repos.