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Since Sapling keeps a full record of the mutation history of commits, most Sapling commands that modify commits can be easily undone. The sl undo command will revert the commit graph to its state prior to the last run command.

$ sl
@ e75394bbb 16 minutes ago mary
Commit Two

o 4eefdfe1d 16 minutes ago mary
╭─╯ Commit One

o 59125794a 16 minutes ago remote/main

o 774057207 Today at 10:48 remote/stable


# Change #1 to rename the commit.
$ sl metaedit -m "Commit Two Renamed"

# Change #2 to move the commit.
$ sl rebase -s 4eefdfe1d -d stable

$ sl
o 59125794a 24 minutes ago remote/main

@ c87ec5f32 56 seconds ago mary
╷ │ Commit Two Renamed
╷ │
o a5054dd01 56 seconds ago mary
╭─╯ Commit One

o 774057207 Today at 10:48 remote/stable


# Undo change #2.
$ sl undo
$ sl
@ f5c155dd8 2 minutes ago mary
Commit Two Renamed

o 4eefdfe1d 25 minutes ago mary
╭─╯ Commit One

o 59125794a 25 minutes ago remote/main

o 774057207 Today at 10:48 remote/stable


Running the command again will undo the command run before the last undone command. Use the sl redo command to reverse the undo command.

# Undo change #1.
$ sl undo
$ sl
@ e75394bbb 27 minutes ago mary
Commit Two

o 4eefdfe1d 27 minutes ago mary
╭─╯ Commit One

o 59125794a 27 minutes ago remote/master


# Oops! I didn't mean to undo that rename.
$ sl redo
$ sl
$ @ f5c155dd8 5 minutes ago mary
│ Commit Two Renamed

o 4eefdfe1d 28 minutes ago mary
╭─╯ Commit One

o 59125794a 28 minutes ago remote/main


Undo --interactive

You can visualize the undo before it happens by using the sl undo -i interactive command. This gives an interactive terminal UI where you can use the left and right keyboard keys to view the previous states you can undo to.

Red commits are those that will be removed, while yellow are commits that will be visible. Press enter to confirm the rollback, or press q to abort.

This UI is also useful for simply finding old commit hashes. Once you have the hash, you can exit the undo UI, then use sl show HASH and sl unhide HASH to view and recover the commit.

Uncommit / unamend

The undo command is limited to undoing changes to the commit graph. To undo changes related to the working copy, like a commit or amend, use sl uncommit and sl unamend.

$ sl
@ 1a22ba0e9 83 seconds ago mary
╭─╯ my feature

o 59125794a 36 minutes ago remote/main


$ echo "edit myproject.cpp" >> myproject.cpp
$ sl commit -m "new commit"

$ sl
@ 6024e2ffd 14 seconds ago mary
new commit

o 1a22ba0e9 3 minutes ago mary
╭─╯ my feature

o 59125794a 38 minutes ago remote/main


# Oops! I meant to amend my changes instead.
$ sl uncommit
@ 1a22ba0e9 4 minutes ago mary
╭─╯ my feature

o 59125794a 39 minutes ago remote/main


# Now we're back to the state prior to the commit.
$ sl st
M myproject.cpp

$ sl amend
$ sl
@ 6ca2114d1 3 seconds ago mary
╭─╯ my feature

o 59125794a 41 minutes ago remote/main


# Now let's say we change our mind and decide to make a new
# commit after all. Let's undo the amend.
$ sl unamend
$ sl st
M myproject.cpp
# now the changes are back as pending changes in our working copy

You can limit uncommit to specific files by using sl uncommit FILE1 FILE2 ....